Giving back

A big part of Prelude's mission is sharing good technical education with people who would otherwise not be able to afford to pay for it.

You can help

Donate to our scholarship fund

We provide free and massively discounted training to people who would otherwise not be able to afford to take part in what we do here. This is not as straight-forward as it sounds for a lot of reasons. It is very easy to be inefficient when trying to do good.

To get this right we focus on communities rather than individuals.

Currently we are focusing on a few Python code clubs based in Ghana:

Want to help?

There are 2 main ways to help us spread the love. Use or promote our services, or make a donation to our scholarship fund.

Use or promote our services

Donate to our scholarship fund

Buy a donation ticket by following the link below. This will take you to Quicket, a South African ticketing service. Even small donations make a big difference!

Donate to our scholarship fund

Sponsor this work!

If you represent a larger organisation that is able to support this work in a bigger way, please get in touch!


This work is made possible with the support of:

Black Python Devs

Black Python Devs

Extending the ecosystem of Python Communities to Black and Colo(u)red Communities around the world.

BPD's goal is to become the largest community of Black Python Developers in the world and establish that community as a source for diverse leaders in the greater Python community.

BPD aims to:

  • Establish guidance, mentorship, and career support for Black Pythonistas around the world.
  • Create opportunities for the Python community to invest in local communities of Black Python Devs members.
  • Increase participation of Black Python Devs members in existing Python community programs, events, and initiatives.